Tag Archives: Lipo costs

Top 12 Questions and Answers about Mommy Makeover: Things That You Should Know

9 May
  1. 1.      What is Mommy Makeover?

It is a process specially designed for people who want to transform their body completely. It is not a single surgery, in fact, it comprises of a number of processes that can transform skin, facial features, limbs, tummy and Breast. Here it is important to note that the procedure was originally designed for mothers. Later, when the patent holders saw that the procedure has earned great popularity among others as well, they opened it to all and sundry.

Smart Lipo

  1. 2.      What Procedures are involved in Mommy Makeover?

There are various procedures involved in mommy makeover. These procedures may vary depending on demands on different individuals. For example, some of the individuals need tummy tuck, face lift and buttocks. But they do not need breast augmentation. Following is given a list of major procedures conducted in Mommy makeover. You might include some and exclude others depending on the requirements of the individual.

  • Tummy tuck
  • Breast augmentation
  • Body sculpting
  • Liposuction
  • Breast lift
  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Body Lift
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Buttock Lift

3. Tummy Tuck:

  • Excess fat is taken out of the skin.
  • The skin is tightened and is firmed in its place.
  • Pregnancy and post pregnancy scars are treated.
  • Ideal for mothers, for those who went through gastric surgery and for those who have marks on the skin of tummy etc.


  1. 4.      Breast Augmentation:
  • Ideal for the women who want to increase breast volume.
  • In this process, you can combine breast lift, breast enhancement and breast enlargement.
  • You can also go for breast implants.


  1. 5.      Breast Reduction:
  • For those who suffer from over sized breasts, there is option of breast reduction.
  • Excess fat is removed and the breasts are given a complete and firm look.


  1. 6.      Body Sculpting:
  • Process is performed in both surgical and non surgical ways.
  • Stubborn fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise is treated with the help of body sculpting.
  • Body is given a sculpted and trimmed look.
  • It can change any part of your body.


  1. 7.      Liposuction:
  • A phenomenal process in itself.
  • Used to contour different body parts including face (chin, cheeks, nose etc), neck, breast, tummy, biceps, triceps etc.
  • There are different types of liposuction i.e. smartlipo, Vaser lipo etc.
  • There is invasive as well as non invasive liposuction procedures.
  • This is for those who have maintained their body weight but have some body parts with higher proportions of weight.


  1. 8.      Facial Rejuvenation:
  • A highly effective procedure for those who want to alter their facial features.
  • It can help treat signs of aging.
  • It can alter your inner as well as outer facial features.
  • It can treat eyelids, eye brows, nose, chin, cheek, otoplasty (ear surgery), skin resurfacing and botox.


  1. 9.      Body Lift:
  • It is performed to trim torso and upper legs.
  • The skin is tightened and firmed.
  • Usually combined with botox, buttocks, arms and thigh tightening and liposuction.
  • It is recommended for those who want to counter effects of aging, child birth, surgeries or loose and lumpy skin due to significant weight loss through surgical procedures.


  1. 10.  Arm Lift:
  • The process is performed to tighten the loose skin.
  • The process is usually performed if significant amounts of fat are removed with the help of liposuction thereby leaving skin lumpy and loose.


  1. 11.  Thigh Lift:
  • There are two types of thigh lift procedure. One is performed on inner thigh and the other is performed on the outer thigh.
  • Inner thigh lift/ Medial thigh lift is conducted on inner portion of the thigh and the line that meets with groin.
  • Outer thigh lift or lateral thigh lift is performed from the line of the groin to the back of the body in such a way that the buttocks are lifted.


  1. 12.  Buttocks Lift:
  • This process is for sagged and drooped buttocks.
  • There are three procedures performed on buttocks.
    • Enhancement of buttocks with the help of implants
    • Removal of excess fat cells.
    • Buttock lifting
    • Individual can opt for any of the above mentioned process or can go for all three.





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Time to Pay Tribute to Moms: Happy Mommy Makeover this Mothers’ Day

9 May

Mothers are nature’s greatest gifts. But, when you ask any mom what is the most precious thing that they have got, the answer will be none other than her kids. Bearing a child is no child’s play. Bearing the symptoms, pain, sickness, nausea and carrying baby for a long period of time is not an easy task. But, when a mother holds her baby in her arms, all of the exhausting symptoms and tiredness ease right at the moment.


Unfortunately, this positive energy does not act on birth marks; jiggle skin, excess pockets of fat and ugly tummy. Fast forwards few more years and the mother turns in to the shadow of that beautiful diva she once used to be. As if post birth marks, fat, tummy were not enough, she gets loose breast tissue, pigmented and tired skin and unattractive body parts.

For all such mothers, there is nothing more beneficial than offering her Mommy Makeover as a gift for this Mother’s Day.

What is Mommy Makeover?

It is the process of treating and contouring her body with different plastic surgery procedures. It treats her like a queen. It starts from face and ends at toes. All of the body is treated at once, no intervals and no multiple visits. Mommy makeover is a collective name given to a number of procedures. The process usually cover breast augmentation, face lift, body sculpting, liposuction, tummy tucks, breast lift, Body lift (arm, thighs, and legs) and buttock lift.

Who Can Have Mommy Makeover?

This process is specially designed for the women who have lost their beautiful bodies in the bliss of motherhood and hectic life that follows. Many women feel depressed and are devoid of confidence due to their physique and body shape. They feel that they are not what they were used to be. They feel emotional and psychological trauma. They think that everyone is making fun of them.

The situation becomes worse when their partner leaves them because of their “aunty like” appearance. Mommy makeover is a clear answer for all such shallow people who think that women means outer beauty. Sadly, no one bothers to search inner beauty. It is your body that will attract people.

Apart from mothers, anyone who wants to cover multiple cosmetic surgeries at a time can go for this package.

Psychological Outcomes of the Mommy Makeover:

Just imagine of the individual who is a very productive member of the society. She is ridiculed just because of her bad body shape. Earlier it was impossible to change post pregnancy body. But today, the mommy makeover is that magical wand that can transform an ugly duckling (sorry to say, this is what people call you on your back!) in to a wonderland princess.

Psychological effects of mommy makeover are amazing. She will feel like on top of the world. There are testimonials of many women who feel that their personality was astonishingly transformed. Best part is when you suddenly come in front of an old friend and viola, their reaction is what will boost the confidence like nothing else.

How Long Will You Remain Like a Princess, Are There Any Chances of Failure?

You will retain your slim and sleek body, glowing skin, flat tummy and sexy contour as long as you maintain your healthy living. A balanced diet, regular exercise (an amalgamation of weight lifting, aerobics and yoga) are guarantees of long lasting results.

Usually, there are very little chances of failure. If there are any cases reported, these are due to the incompetency of the surgeon.


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Obesity: Why You Should Fight Off Too Much Weight

8 May

Too much weight could kill you.

Obesity is a medical condition wherein the weight of an individual is way beyond his or her ideal weight level. However, volume alone is not a determining factor in obesity as some people tend to have bigger volume but their weight lies only in the overweight category.  Although some obese people tend to appear normal and healthy, this condition should not be taken lightly and ignored.


According to recent studies, obesity has become the number one curable disease in the whole world. Yes, obesity is a disease, contrary to old belief that it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Different medical researches conducted about obesity have turn up different explanation about its causes. It may be caused by hereditary trait of a family that makes a person susceptible to gaining so much weight. It may also be attributed to endocrinal problems wherein hormonal imbalance and failure to produce certain enzymes cause the metabolism of an individual to turn very slow. In this condition, the person tends to absorb most of the nutrients at a faster rate and burns them in a very slow rate. In the long run, it causes the formation of fat deposits and adipose tissues from unused energy reserves. Some cases are also blamed to psychiatric disorders that lead to over eating and consumption.

Experts may argue about its causes, but one thing is sure about obesity – it is the root of many health problems. Obese people tend to have higher rate of chronic vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis or the clogging of blood vessels due to fat deposits, high blood pressure, heart failure, and coronary heart disease. These are all serious conditions that can threaten the life of an individual. Left untreated, they may lead to stroke, paralysis, and even death.

Another chronic and degenerative disease associated with obesity is the osteoarthritis. This is a medical condition wherein the bones and the skeletal framework of an individual weaken due to the increase in weight. This is often associated to rheumatism and other joint problems as the skeletal system fails to support the heavy weight of most obese.

Other diseases associated with obesity, include cancer, fatty liver, kidney failure, haemorrhage, and even stroke and paralysis.

The best way to treat obesity is through exercise and a healthy low-fat diet. Incorporating whole grains and excluding trans fat in your diet could speed up your weight management. And when the patient has lost enough weight, medical treatments like liposuction may help further lower the amount of fats in her body. Liposuction is especially useful in removing fats in areas of the body where exercise have little effects.

Liposuction is a kind of surgery where in the adipose tissues are destroyed and extracted from our body. However, excessive extraction of fat is fatal to one’s health that is why it is advised for the patient to reach proximity with his/her ideal body weight.

If the patient is now ready for liposuction, the best option for you is the Smartlipo. Smartlipo uses the most advanced laser-assisted liposuction procedure that is expected to yield best results.



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Why Get Laser-assisted Arm Liposuction

8 May

Flabby upper arms are problem areas that women and men would do anything to resolve. The fat deposits on these areas of the body tend to accumulate due to weight gain. Even without gaining weight, however, the skin on these parts would often sag as a result of aging. Working out and dieting can help reduce the fat but it is not always likely that the skin would be toned as a result. To improve the appearance of the flabby upper arms, many people would opt for liposuction procedures.

smart lipo. Arm liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures. It is mostly performed on women to help them achieve an overall slimmer look. Since the arms are among the most visible parts of the body, having them toned and well-proportioned can provide you with the confidence to wear short-sleeved dresses.

SmartLipo is a less invasive liposuction procedure that can remove the fat deposits from the upper arms. It utilizes laser energy to break up and melt the fatty tissues beneath the surface of the skin. The heat of the laser also provides an additional benefit – it jumpstarts collagen production, which tightens the skin in the process. The results are well-toned upper arms with firm, youthful looking skin.

Laser liposuction to the arms is performed in a way that doesn’t cause serious injury to the skin. Since it is very minimally invasive, bleeding, swelling and bruising are also reduced. Any discomfort that the patient might feel during and right after the procedure is minimized as well due to the use of local anesthesia.

Laser-assisted liposuction such as the SmartLipo treatment is ideal for getting rid of moderate amount of fat deposits. This means that the procedure is not a solution for massive weight loss. If you are overweight and do not practice a healthy lifestyle, then liposuction is not the step for you to take. The right candidate for a liposuction procedure is someone who is in good health; has pockets of fat in certain areas of the body that do respond to diet and exercise; and has realistic expectations. Liposuction can help remove fats from your upper arms but you can’t expect the procedure to drastically alter your body image. You still have to continue working on that aspect through proper diet and fitness regimen.

Flabby arms can be very frustrating. For one, they make it hard for you to pick the right clothes. They even keep you from wearing the dress that you like, for crying out loud. If you can’t get rid of that excess fat in the upper arms through exercise and diet, then you might want to consider SmartLipo. See a highly skilled surgeon and ask for an initial consultation to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Although laser-assisted liposuction is relatively safe, it pays to be aware of what to expect before, during and after the treatment. Discuss everything with your surgeon and if things go well, you will soon have the confidence to wear sleeveless clothes.



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Lose Inches with Laser Liposuction

8 May

Due to heredity, there are people who can’t seem to lose fat in certain areas of their body even if they do their best to follow a diet or fitness regimen. This inherited trait causes them to have fat deposits in areas like the abdominal area, upper thighs, and buttocks. This is why many people consider liposuction as a great solution. No wonder liposuction is the most widely performed surgical procedure in the US. In terms of techniques, laser-assisted liposuction is among the best innovation in liposuction surgery.

smart lipo.

Laser-assisted liposuction is one of the many advances in fat reduction technology that can help you get rid of fat cell deposits in certain areas. This procedure provides body contouring with barely noticeable incisions. Blood loss and bruising are very minimal as well. Regardless of your body type or which areas have pockets of fat, laser liposuction can safely deliver your desired result.

Tith this type of procedure, laser beam helps to fine tune the body to achieve a great appearance. The entire thing works by having the laser heat the fat and make it soft enough for easier removal through liposuction. But first, a mixture of saline, local anesthesia, and epinephrine is injected under the skin in the area of the body where the targeted fat is located. The laser is then applied and melted fats are suctioned using thin tubes called canullas. The canullas have a diameter of 1-2mm and are inserted in the skin via small incisions.

Aside from reducing the inches in the waist, hips or thighs, laser-assisted liposuction procedure has another positive effect. The laser that liquefies the fat also heats the skin cells. This leads to the production of collage. The stimulation of collagen production tightens the skin and causes it to have more youthful appearance.

Since laser liposuction is performed under local anaesthesia, no nausea or vomiting occurs. These side effects are normally associated to liposuction surgeries under general anaesthesia. And because it is minimally invasive, laser liposuction offers a much faster recovery period compared to traditional liposuction procedures. Most patients can return to work after 1-2 days of rest. The problem with traditional liposuction is that the downtime is longer. But with the laser liposuction, you can be assured of a reduced downtime.

The first in laser-assisted liposuction procedure, Smartlipo offers minimally invasive method of fat removal. It has also gained popularity as the safest and most reliable technique for body contouring. With SmartLipo, you can tone almost any area on your body. The most common targeted areas are the chin, neck, stomach, hips, buttock, arms and legs.

The laser-assisted procedure that SmartLipo offers is ideal for people who want to lose a few inches and achieve an attractive body contour. It is not, however, a drastic weight loss solution that could remove massive amounts of fat from the body. It’s better to have realistic expectations prior to undergoing the procedure. Consult with a professional surgeon in your area and see if you are a good candidate for laser liposuction.

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Latest Innovation in Medicine

8 May

Over the decade, medical technology has improved and produced even better innovations aimed to improve our living. Now, here are few of the latest advanced innovation in medicine.

smart lipo;

3D Ultrasound Diagnosis of Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death among men and early diagnosis is the only option to prevent prostate cancer from occurring. However, most men tend to discover their condition late due to lack of yearly regular prostate exam.

But now, prostate cancer can be determined more accurately through the use of a 3D Transrectal Ultrasound device. 3D high definition images allow doctors to determine any form of tumour or outgrowths in the prostate glands. Early detection makes it possible to cure the diseases through medicine intake.

Liquid Condoms

Researchers have now found a new way to protect partners form sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, Auto Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, and Papilloma Virus which causes cervical cancers. This Liquid Gel Condom also acts as a contraceptive as it blocks all particles bigger than 50nm, which includes sperm cells and other viruses.

The Liquid Gel Condom becomes solid when in contact with the semen and it is applied by the woman in their vaginal walls. The best thing about this is that women can protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases even without their partner’s approval. This is because most men prefer not to use condoms.

The Liquid Gel Condom can then be removed after the sexual intercourse.

Burn Wounds Sprays

Minor burn injuries can now be cured faster. A new device is invented that sprays skin cells on the wound to speed up the healing process. The canister is designed to incubate living stem skin cells. Once sprayed, the skin cells multiply on the skin layer and forms a protective layer on it. It is also incorporated with blood clotting factors that immediately stops bleeding.

Biogels for Brain Damage

Soldiers are most prone to fatal head injuries that often cause damages on their brain. This condition may cause the patient to be disabled to do some work such as walking or speaking straight. However, researcher has found a way to cure brain damage by the use of a biogel composed of live stem cells taken from the victim. The stem cells in the biogel multiply and transforms into new nerve cells that will cure the brain damage. The biogel is simply injected in the affected area then it is monitored to check response. This treatment, when approved and further applied, may lead a new revolution in medical technology.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

The latest trend in body contouring is lipolysis, the process of eliminating fat deposits through the use of a laser-assisted liposuction machine. The surgeon uses the Smartlipo TripleX, to fire three varying wavelengths of laser beam into the adipose tissues to liquefy it and make it easier for extraction.  Smartlipo also displaces some fat tissues in areas needing additional volume to enhance the body figure. Patients are guaranteed of faster recovery period compared to traditional methods of liposuction.



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How safe is Laser Liposuction?

8 May

For years, you’ve been trying to shed those bulges through exercise and diet even though nothing seems to be working. The cycle is really frustrating. You have heard that liposuction is the best solution to combat stubborn fat cells. But you are not sure about the safety of the procedure.




Should you try it?

Well, you might want to know that liposuction techniques have gone through so many improvements over the years. These improvements are mostly directed towards eliminating excessive bleeding, bruising and swelling.

Laser liposuction is a new innovation in fat reduction technology that specifically targets certain fat deposits of the body. It is a minimally invasive procedure involving the use of fiber optic laser that ruptures the fat and makes it liquid. It is immediately drained from the body afterwards. Losing inches has never been this simple.

One great thing about laser liposuction is that it also helps stimulate collagen production, which tightens the skin as a result.  After sessions of traditional liposuction procedures, the skin usually ends up sagging and loose. This happens because the skin had been stretched for a long period of time and had lost its elasticity that allows it to adjust to the changes in body size. To solve this problem, laser liposuction is offered by some surgeons to help tighten their patients’ skin after undergoing traditional liposuction.

Laser liposuction is a wonderful procedure that delivers excellent results. It is actually safe, as long as it is done by the right people. To do this, it is strongly advised that you do some research and contact only highly skilled and qualified surgeon in your area. Some professional surgeons offer the revolutionary procedure SmartLipo.

SmartLipo is an in-office liposuction technique that is less invasive. It also has less down time and adverse effects compared to traditional liposuction. It is very safe because there is minimal bleeding and bruising. This procedure also has the advantage of utilizing local anaesthesia, which reduces the risks that commonly occur with general anaesthesia. Because local anaesthesia is used, there is minimal discomfort after the procedure. You may feel some aches afterwards but this is pretty much like what you’d experience after a normal physical workout.  The recommended period of rest is 1-2 days. If you are worried about scarring, rest assured that the incision site will be so small and hardly noticeable.

If you are still a bit wary, then you might want to be informed that Smartlipo received clearance from the US FDA in 2006. Just keep in mind that as with traditional liposuction procedures, SmartLipo is also simply a body contouring solution. It would be great if you have realistic expectations because the procedure is not for people who are looking for a major weight loss solution.

The right candidates for this innovation are those who have only bulges of fat deposits in certain areas of the body. Common target areas include the thighs, hips, abdominal area, neck, arms, knees, and back. Even for men who have man boobs, this is greatly recommended. Visit a local professional surgeon so you’d be informed on what to expect from the procedure.




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The Surgeon Selection Process: What to Look For in a SmartLipo Physician

6 May

Undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery means you trust your surgeon enough for him or her to operate on you, no matter invasive or non-invasive the procedure is. Once you’ve decided to undergo SmartLipo to lose a few inches on your buttocks, thighs, or any fat-filled area of your body and you’ve already chosen a clinic where you can have the cosmetic surgery, the next step is to choose the right surgeon. How exactly do you do that? There are hundreds of qualified surgeons out there who may just be as equally skilled as the next so what exactly are the qualities you should look for in a potential surgeon?

smart lipo.,

For one, your surgeon of choice should either be a board-certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. In case you are wondering why dermatologists can perform SmartLipo too, they are actually one of the two specialists who have received the appropriate training in cosmetic surgery procedures, the other being plastic surgeons themselves.

Dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons who are members of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery means that they are competent enough and have proven their expertise in their chosen fields because AACS is an association that values high standards, experience, and technology. Its members are highly regarded in their field of specializations. It’s best to begin by checking if your potential surgeon is a member by going to http://www.cosmeticsurgery.com, AACS’ very own website.

Choose a surgeon or dermatologist who has over 15 years of experience in cosmetic surgery, preferably with a background in conventional liposuction. An experienced surgeon can assess a candidate’s viability for SmartLipo and explain the process as well as the risks without sounding too technical that the patient won’t be able to understand anymore. Additionally, surgeons with decades of experience in conventional liposuction are far more trustworthy than those who are just starting in their field. They are highly skilled in performing liposuction, specifically SmartLipo and they can allay a patient’s fears especially if it’s the first time.

Ask for before and after photos of the potential surgeon you are interested to work with. Cosmetic surgeons take photos before and after the procedure to track the results of the surgery. Additionally, they use these photos to build their portfolio as they attest to the surgeon’s skills and experience in performing SmartLipo. If the surgeon cannot produce these photos, then move on to the next.

Your physician should be able to discuss the process, the risks, and the qualifications to you without instilling fear in your mind. The surgeon should address all your hesitations and concerns as well as give you realistic expectations. The surgeon shouldn’t insist on performing SmartLipo if he knows you are not qualified for the procedure. An open and honest communication is the first step to winning a patient’s trust and if your surgeon can’t do this, then he isn’t the right one for you.

Choosing the right doctor is a very important step towards a successful SmartLipo procedure. Some surgeons will charge higher fees but make sure that the professional fees are reasonable and based only on the surgeon’s skills and experience. Perform proper research and ask around before zeroing in on the surgeon you think is right for you.


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Shaping the Thighs with Liposuction

6 May

Is the shape of your inner thighs getting in the way of your confidence during exercise and swimming classes?  Are your fatty thighs causing you so much discomfort from friction? Do you feel frustrated by all the squats and lunges that couldn’t reduce the fats in your thighs?

Then you might want to know that thigh liposuction can help remove the excess fats in that area and make your legs look slimmier and appealing.

smart lipo.

The inner and outer thighs are the usual areas of the body where fat is heavily stored. For many women, the problem is genetics – they tend to store fat in the thigh areas because of high estrogen levels. Because of this, these areas are often resistant to exercise and diet. Liposuction provides a great solution that will help improve the shape of the thigh.

One great technique that can help you enhance the appearance of your thighs, and legs in general, is laser liposuction via SmartLipo. This procedure makes use of laser energy to target the fat deposits. The heat from the laser ruptures and melts the fat to facilitate easy removal. SmartLipo offers a less invasive treatment so the patient’s pain and discomfort is greatly minimized. Swelling, bruising and bleeding are also reduced in the process. These are among the reasons why laser-assisted liposuction has become so popular these days.

With traditional liposuction, younger patients with good skin elasticity may expect impressive results in terms of the skin’s appearance as a result of the fat removal. Older clients, however, should expect the skin in the treated area to sag and leave some wrinkles. This is because the elasticity of their skin is not that good anymore. But if they choose to have SmartLipo laser liposuction, the sagging and wrinkling of the skin will be minimized, if not eliminated altogether. This is because laser-assisted liposuction has another advantage. The heat of the laser that strikes the fat cells can also assist in stimulating collagen production in the treated area (collagen is responsible for making the skin smoother and tighter). As a result, the skin becomes firmer and younger-looking.

Thigh liposuction can shape irregular and large thighs into well-proportioned ones.  The procedure is perfect for people who have excess fat deposits and suffer from friction of the inner thighs. A good candidate is also someone who is healthy, maintains a strict diet and exercise regimen yet couldn’t make the bulk budge from these problem areas. If you are planning to undergo the procedure, it is best to have realistic expectations. Thigh liposuction can only help in contouring the thighs and improving the overall appearance of your legs. It is not a miracle solution that will dramatically reduce your weight and grant you the perfect body.

Results of thigh liposuction can be noticeable after 6 weeks after the procedure. The fat cells are gone permanently so it is likely that you will not regain any extra pounds in that area. Thanks to thigh liposuction, you can now finally say hello to your skinny jeans.



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Revealing Your Body’s Appeal with Body Contouring

6 May

It’s great to have a nice, well-toned body. However, not all of us are blessed with a desirable, sculpted look. Many would even struggle to lose inches when diet and exercise are not enough to eliminate those extra bulges. The situation can be very frustrating. The usual reason for having such stubborn fat deposits is genetics. Thankfully, modern fat removal techniques have improved over the years thus, paving the way for body contouring procedures.

smart lipo;

 Body contouring surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances the shape of almost any part of the body. It is usually performed after pregnancy or after a patient after a successful weight loss program that left the skin sagging and loose. Body contouring has become popular these days because it has been proven to satisfy the desire of many individuals to have a beautiful, well-proportioned body.

One excellent body contouring technique that delivers impressive results is SmartLipo laser liposuction. This treatment offers wonderful dual solution that continues to satisfy many patients ever since its introduction. SmartLipo can help remove excess fat stored in certain areas of the body and at the same time, make the skin firmer and young-looking. The procedure causes the skin to tighten, resulting in a smoother and more beautiful skin, making it even more effective as a body contouring procedure.

Laser liposuction works by emitting certain levels of laser energy to break down the stored fats in the targeted area before being drained away. That same laser can also lead to the production of collagen, which leads to the tightening of the skin. This procedure is less invasive so it causes minimal bleeding, swelling and bruising.

As a simple outpatient procedure, laser liposuction also provides patients with faster period of recovery. Patients are usually back to work after resting for a day or two. It is performed under local anesthesia so it reduces the discomfort of the patient during and after the procedure.

Laser-assisted liposuction is ideal for targeting certain parts of the body, even those that you never thought can be treated by any fat removal technology. Laser liposuction is commonly used to treat such areas as the neck and the chest as well as the usual target of any liposuction procedures – the arms, thighs, knees, legs, and the abdominal area. Whern substantial fat is needed to be removed, laser-assisted liposuction is performed alongside traditional techniques to achieve best results.

When strict diet and exercise regimens fail to help you achieve a beautifully sculpted body that you have been dreaming of, then body contouring through laser liposuction may be the solution for you. You are a good candidate for laser-assisted liposuction if you are in good health and just moderately overweight. Before undergoing the procedure, it is best that you have realistic expectations. Laser liposuction do not address massive weight loss issues. Instead, it offers body contouring while targeting stubborn pockets of fat. After the healing process, it is recommended that you continue with your fitness regimen in order to maintain your newly achieved sculpted body.



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