Latest Innovation in Medicine

8 May

Over the decade, medical technology has improved and produced even better innovations aimed to improve our living. Now, here are few of the latest advanced innovation in medicine.

smart lipo;

3D Ultrasound Diagnosis of Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death among men and early diagnosis is the only option to prevent prostate cancer from occurring. However, most men tend to discover their condition late due to lack of yearly regular prostate exam.

But now, prostate cancer can be determined more accurately through the use of a 3D Transrectal Ultrasound device. 3D high definition images allow doctors to determine any form of tumour or outgrowths in the prostate glands. Early detection makes it possible to cure the diseases through medicine intake.

Liquid Condoms

Researchers have now found a new way to protect partners form sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, Auto Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, and Papilloma Virus which causes cervical cancers. This Liquid Gel Condom also acts as a contraceptive as it blocks all particles bigger than 50nm, which includes sperm cells and other viruses.

The Liquid Gel Condom becomes solid when in contact with the semen and it is applied by the woman in their vaginal walls. The best thing about this is that women can protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases even without their partner’s approval. This is because most men prefer not to use condoms.

The Liquid Gel Condom can then be removed after the sexual intercourse.

Burn Wounds Sprays

Minor burn injuries can now be cured faster. A new device is invented that sprays skin cells on the wound to speed up the healing process. The canister is designed to incubate living stem skin cells. Once sprayed, the skin cells multiply on the skin layer and forms a protective layer on it. It is also incorporated with blood clotting factors that immediately stops bleeding.

Biogels for Brain Damage

Soldiers are most prone to fatal head injuries that often cause damages on their brain. This condition may cause the patient to be disabled to do some work such as walking or speaking straight. However, researcher has found a way to cure brain damage by the use of a biogel composed of live stem cells taken from the victim. The stem cells in the biogel multiply and transforms into new nerve cells that will cure the brain damage. The biogel is simply injected in the affected area then it is monitored to check response. This treatment, when approved and further applied, may lead a new revolution in medical technology.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

The latest trend in body contouring is lipolysis, the process of eliminating fat deposits through the use of a laser-assisted liposuction machine. The surgeon uses the Smartlipo TripleX, to fire three varying wavelengths of laser beam into the adipose tissues to liquefy it and make it easier for extraction.  Smartlipo also displaces some fat tissues in areas needing additional volume to enhance the body figure. Patients are guaranteed of faster recovery period compared to traditional methods of liposuction.



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